One week music visualisation challenge

Dataweek ipod illustration


With a partner, design and build a data-visualisation around the theme; music.

For this "dataweek" challenge, we could use an external API for fetching data related to music. The API me and my partner chose, was the Spotify API. Since I had worked with this API before, we were able to get the basic setup quite quickly which allowed us to completely focus on the story we wanted to tell.

Our finished concept ended up being a visualisation of your Spotify playlist throughout the years. This visualisation would show you what songs in your playlist came from what era. This story would be told in a visual "scrollytelling" websites, where you scroll through the eras of your playlist. Dataweek 80s style illustration

My partner was responsible for all the (beautiful) background illsutrations and I was responsible for putting everything together with code. I built the website in Angular because an earlier Spotify API project I had done was also built in Angular, so I could copy a lot of structure.

The fully built product would be able to be viewed with any Spotify account. However, since the application isn't officially verified by Spotify, only manually added accounts can be used. To view the website in its full glory, take a look at the video attached below :).